Order the tickets on-line at www.cnso.cz, section program by following 3 easy steps:
Outside Czech Republic
In the Czech Republic
Tel: +420 774 377 523
E-mail: ticket@cnso.cz
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM
You can buy tickets in person at the venue 2 hours before the concert starts.
We accept cash and credit cards.
CNSO warns against buying tickets on the ticket exchange Viagogo. This website sells tickets, often invalid, with unreasonably high handling fees. This is an unfair business practice.
Tickets can be purchased only on our website or within our official ticket sales network.
Weilova 1144/2
Praha 10 – Hostivař
102 00, Czech Republic
Company ID: 243 08 544
VAT No.: CZ 243 08 544
Director – Jan Hasenöhrl
File number: O 932, Municipal Court in Prague
Phone: +420 774 377 523
E-mail: ticket@cnso.cz
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM
We accept cash and credit cards.
Please call before pick-up.
(Historical Box Office – Left)
Nám. Republiky 5
Praha 1
111 21
Phone: +420 222 002 101
E-mail: info@obecnidum.cz
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
We accept cash and credit cards.
Sales points throughout the Czech Republic.
Coupons issued by ČNSO & Prague Proms, o. p. s. for a cancelled or postponed concert can be used to pay for tickets. Coupons can be redeemed in person (only at the ČNSO & Prague Proms, o. p. s. offices by prior telephone arrangement) or online (by entering the Voucher number in the online booking basket).
Concert-goers with disabilities (and one companion) receive a 50% discount on a ticket price. Please claim this discount personally at historical cash-desk at Municipal House, personally at ČNSO & Prague Proms, o. p. s., by phone or via e-mail:
Phone: +420 774 377 523
E-mail: ticket@cnso.cz
Appropriate identification is required at the entrance to the venue.
CNSO subscribers receive a 30% discount for special concerts organized by our agency. The discount is applicable to a maximum of 6 tickets.
Please claim this discount by phone or via e-mail:
Phone.: +420 774 377 523
E-mail: ticket@cnso.cz
Prague Visitor Pass holders receive a 20% discount on concerts organized by our agency.
Discount can only be claimed by phone or email:
Phone: +420 774 377 523
E-mail: ticket@cnso.cz
Premium RB Club card holders receive a 10% discount on a basic price of the ticket for subscription concerts and for special concerts organized by our agency. Premium RB Club card holders generate a unique single-use code in the RB Club Section of the Raiffeisen banking mobile application.
When purchasing tickets on our website you will be asked to "Enter the voucher number". You will find this field in Step 2 of the shopping cart right after selecting your tickets and clicking on the "Choose a Discount" option.
The discount cannot be combined with another discount and the maximum number of the discount tickets is limited to eight (8) per person.
Did your employer reward you by giving you benefits from UP.cz (Unišek, Unišek +, Cadhoc, eBenefity), Pluxee, Edenred, Benefit Plus or Benefity?
Reward yourself also with concert ticket of CNSO.
Please call before the pick-up.
Please learn about the terms of use on our partner's website or contact us directly.
Tel.: +420 774 377 523
E-mail: ticket@cnso.cz
If you end up being late, our ushers will allow you into the concert in a suitable break in the programme.
Tickets can not be RETURNED or REFUNDED. Lost tickets can not be refunded. Program subject to change. In case the event is cancelled ticket price will be completely refunded at the promoter's headquarters: ČNSO & Prague Proms, o. p. s. , Weilova 1144/2, 102 00 Prague 10.
Cell: +420 774 377 523, e-mail: ticket@cnso.cz.
Terms and Conditions here.