Dear audience members,
For this annual season, we have yet again prepared a selection of film and jazz music that we personally love and that you have been accustomed to for the past 30 years. I thank you deeply for your interest in the CNSO, and my thanks extends to my colleagues as well as the excellent team that organised Prague Proms festival.
I would also like to address the generous philanthropists, without whom we would not be able to perform in Smetana Hall nearly as often as we currently do. Above all, I owe them for giving this orchestra the opportunity to look to the future and plan further seasons whilst supporting our musicians and keeping our organisation intact.
This season, you can look forward to a plethora of great performances, a number of musical premieres for independent musicians, incredible solo acts, as well as the usual vibrant energy of the CNSO, now directed by Steven Mercurio.
Yours humbly
Jan Hasenöhrl
Tým dirigentů v čele s šéfdirigentem Stevenem Mercuriem podtrhuje výjimečnost ČNSO. Každá z těchto osobností je odborníkem na žánry, které náš orchestr prezentuje.
Číst víceNárodní kulturní památka Obecní dům patří k nejvýznamnějším secesním stavbám v Praze. Nachází se v samotném centru Prahy, v těsném sousedství Prašné brány.
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