Dear Friends,
I warmly welcome you once again to the beginning of another season of the Czech National Symphony Orchestra. A lot of time has passed since our first concert, conducted by Zdeněk Košler and featuring Johann Sebastian Bach's Mass in B minor.

And although I like to avoid dwelling on the past, today I'm going to let my mind drift through the thousands of concerts we’ve performed at, countless miles we’ve driven for events, hundreds of hotels we’ve rested at and dozens of great musicians who have impressed me and whose company we have had the opportunity to enjoy.

One moment stands out above all. When I look out at the sold-out Smetana Hall and hear your applause, I feel at home, and I know our work has amounted to this. This feeling of support and satisfaction is why my colleagues and I enter the Municipal House each new season and embark on a new musical journey with our orchestra.

It is a pleasure to have you with us this season. 

Yours Jan Hasenöhrl

Jan Hasenöhrl
Steven Mercurio

CNSO Conductors

Tým dirigentů v čele s šéfdirigentem Stevenem Mercuriem podtrhuje výjimečnost ČNSO. Každá z těchto osobností je odborníkem na žánry, které náš orchestr prezentuje.

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Municipal House

Národní kulturní památka Obecní dům patří k nejvýznamnějším secesním stavbám v Praze. Nachází se v samotném centru Prahy, v těsném sousedství Prašné brány.

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Obecní dům